Take a Break
With finals quickly approaching, it’s hard to find time for anything that isn’t school related. Between all the tests and papers, you have to find a little bit of time for relaxing. Studies show that taking breaks while studying will actually help you! Here are a few ideas that will get you out of the library and help keep you sane!
Go Ice Skating
Exercise can help boost your memory, so take a break from the books, grab a few friends and head over to Pegula! Public skate sessions take place Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Admission is only $5.00 with a PSU student ID and skate rentals are just $3.00!
SPA Relaxation Week
From December 10th through the 12th from 11AM- 2PM, the SPA will be holding student activities in the HUB. Students can stop by to create an electronic skin, custom license plate and even grab a lucky bamboo plant!
Try Some Yoga
Yoga is an awesome stress reliever! It can help calm your nerves and helps stimulate brain function. Lila Yoga Studio offers free yoga classes to all full time Penn State students from December 13th through the 17th. Check out their website for more information! https://lilayogastudios.com/
Visit the CAPS Website
The Penn State Counseling and Psychological Services website has a few online resources that can help you relax! Visit https://studentaffairs.psu.edu/counseling/ for online meditations and more!
Go Ice Skating
Exercise can help boost your memory, so take a break from the books, grab a few friends and head over to Pegula! Public skate sessions take place Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Admission is only $5.00 with a PSU student ID and skate rentals are just $3.00!
SPA Relaxation Week
From December 10th through the 12th from 11AM- 2PM, the SPA will be holding student activities in the HUB. Students can stop by to create an electronic skin, custom license plate and even grab a lucky bamboo plant!
Try Some Yoga
Yoga is an awesome stress reliever! It can help calm your nerves and helps stimulate brain function. Lila Yoga Studio offers free yoga classes to all full time Penn State students from December 13th through the 17th. Check out their website for more information! https://lilayogastudios.com/
Visit the CAPS Website
The Penn State Counseling and Psychological Services website has a few online resources that can help you relax! Visit https://studentaffairs.psu.edu/counseling/ for online meditations and more!